Your Personal Information is very important to us. We at GRANDIFLORA BRIDAL in terms of legislation and good business practice requirements will do our utmost in respecting and protecting your personal information. In terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013 (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”), we:
Undertake to collect and access your Personal Information directly from you or from a third party [with your prior and written approval (unless a legal exclusion exits)] while respecting you right to withdraw your consent for the processing of your Personal Information; (See Section 12 of the Act)
Undertake to only collect and process Personal Information that is necessary for us to obtain the required information to be able to take instruction and institute legal action on your behalf or to defend you inlegal matters which has been instituted again you ; (See Section 13 of the Act)
Undertake not to share your Personal Information with any third party, other than the information which needs to be contained in the legal documents and/or information which needs to be made available after a successful suit; we will also not retain Personal Information longer that is required by the relevant legislation governing the legal sector. (See Section 14 of the Act)
Undertake to be open and transparent regarding the Persona Information being collected, the reason for and manner of collection of such information; (See Section 17 & 18 of the Act)
Undertake to safeguard and protect your Personal Information in our possession through the necessary technological and operations processes; (See Section 19 -22 of the Act)
Undertake to update and correct your Personal Information kept on file; and (See Section 23-25 of the Act)
Accept joint responsibility and accountability to responsibly manage and protect your Personal Information when providing you with Legal Services; (See Section 8 of the Act)
We need to gather, process, and store your Personal Information for inter alia the following reasons:
Feel free to contact our offices, should you have any queries and we will gladly assist. If you want any further information or want to read more about the Act , you can get in contact with the Information regulator and we attach hereto their website for your attention.
You are also welcome to make contact with
Candice at(tel no)011 610 1166 or (e-mail address) or (Website)
the Information regulator - Website:
Tel: 012 406 4818
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